School News

Parent Teacher Meetings will be held on the following dates: DateTimeWednesday October 30th, 20246pm-8pmFriday November 1st, 20248:30am-11am Important Information: The interviews will be 5 minutes in length. We need to limit each parent to one conference per teacher due to the number of families interested in seeing teachers. Thank you for your understanding.You can book an interview by clicking on the link below, and you can select in-person, virtual, or by phone (please ensure that you type your email address and/or phone number correctly).If you select in person, please note the teacher’s location next to their name when booking.You will receive an […]
8:30 - 9:20Period 1
9:20-10:05Period 2
10:15-11:00Period 3
11:00-11:45Reading Block/WIN block
11:45-12:30Period 4 (Grade 6 lunch, 7/8 in class)
-Grade 6 eat 11:45-12:05 and go outside 12:05-12:30
12:30-1:15Period 5 (Grade 6 in class, 7/8 lunch)
Grade 7 eat 12:30-12:52 and go outside 12:52-1:15
Grade 8 go outside 12:30-12:52 and eat 12:52-1:15
1:15-2:00Period 6
2:00-2:45Period 7
2:45-2:50Homeroom (Dismissal)